Residential – Private: Summerfield Development – Sidmouth
Residential – Private: Summerfield Development – Sidmouth
Demolition of an existing house and swimming pool, complete site clearance and construction of five new timber frame houses.
The original site sloped steeply with an overall change in level of 6.4m from top to bottom; this required the site to be split into 5nr house plots on a terraced arrangement. Reinforced retaining walls have been constructed to create the separate plots, to allow the terracing of the site to take into account the gradient of the site.
The substructure is a trench filled concrete foundation with a beam and block ground floor construction, topped with concrete screed. The super structure is a timber frame structure, incorporating a steel portal frame to help support the span and design of the open plan rooms. The external skin of the cavity wall is constructed from 100mm fair faced brickwork for the plinths and 100mm solid concrete blocks above tied to timber frame structure. The external finish is a mixture of sand and cement render and Marley Eternit Cedral Click Weatherboarding.
The roof is finished with a cement slate, and has a number of roof lights, including a large patent glazed window above the utility room.
Case Summary
- Client: Private Client / Developer
- Architect: Carol Trim Architects
- Value: £1.1m
- Procurement: Single Stage Tender
- Programme: 48 weeks
- Completed: 2017